An evolving series of courses, conversations and collaborations.
Drawing on arts, nature, breathing, and movement. Experiential and sensorial.
Inclusive and integrated teachings. Bringing together many different schools of thought and spiritual traditions.
Re-Sourcing Change
Learning practical wisdom principles in a time of inter-spiritual consciousness.
This offering from the McGregor Wisdom School facilitates the striving at the core of all our work. It is a call to a body of seekers to come closer in a search for wisdom and knowledge by exploring the four great questions that confront us all…Who am I? Where do we come from? Where are we going? How do we get there?
Healing And Health
An initiative to gather healers for creatively challenging conversations.
We will facilitate a curriculum of knowledge arising from dialogue between healing practitioners. These conversations will continue the practice of seeking questions that disturb habitual thinking and encourage different modalities of healing.
Researching place and story
A collective memory project in McGregor as a microcosm of the wider exploration of heritage.
A pilot research project for finding safe and welcoming spaces and processes to listen to and take appropriate action on the stories of belonging and not belonging, of inheritance and loss, of shared and unshared memory and of growth, of healing and transformation.
Our approach
We will be offering resources for self-directed experiential learning with options for online meeting, and also creating opportunities for gathering in person at the McGregor Wisdom School.
The method for building these pilot courses will be to follow a fourfold process: