Re-Sourcing Change

Learning practical wisdom principles in a time of inter-spiritual consciousness.

This offering from the McGregor Wisdom School facilitates the striving at the core of all our work. It is a call to a body of seekers to come closer in a search for wisdom and knowledge by exploring the four great questions that confront us all…Who am I? Where do we come from? Where are we going? How do we get there?

Since the McGregor Wisdom School’s birth in Easter 2021, this search has manifested in two highly symbolic ways. The first is a deeply personal, internal searching prompted by these questions. Our focus for this is our meditation room where we began gathering monthly under the tutelage, protection and inspiration of our Icon – the Black Madonna of McGregor. The second symbolic way is our gathering together around our beautiful table to break bread and share our work, our insight, our learning – both within and beyond  the village of McGregor, as a microcosm of the macrocosm of our world.

This work of healing our country, our world in its birth pains of a new and dramatically important new growth stage, is shared in many ways with many others of like mind and heart throughout the world.

This present offering is a new phase in the life of the Mcgregor Wisdom School as we go deeper into these four life questions.  We will be pooling what we know of the many traditions, teachings, beliefs together as a ‘school’, a Wisdom School.  It is an evolving process

Our suggestion is to start with the exploration of Egyptian and African spirituality for today because this contains so much of the wisdom underlying our way of being and living.

A reading list , audio reflections , spiritual practices and a selection of texts for contemplation will be made available .

Our approach 

We will be offering resources for self-directed experiential learning with options for online meeting, and also creating opportunities for gathering in person at the McGregor Wisdom School.
The method for building these pilot courses will be a fourfold process:

  1. A THEME for an experiential enquiry. Quotes and excerpts of writings from diverse streams of thought will give us a wide lens for exploring this theme and its application.
  2. THE WORK: Diverse psycho-spiritual processes enable us to embody and apply this wisdom and observe what emerges from intentional use. 
  3. RESOURCES: Building up a treasury of wisdom axioms, icons, stories and sayings, made available online and on site.
  4. FINDINGS: Gathering feedback on firsthand experience by active participants for the inspiration and insight of others.